Sunday, March 2, 2014


Beware of the evil that lurks around you, open your eyes to see.

Beware of the evil that lurks around you, open your eyes to see.

666,the number of the beast,is a human number.It represents gross imperfection.7 is Gods holy number.It represents completion.Like 7 days in a week,7th day a sabbath,7 clean animals chosen to board the Ark,Jacob bowed down to Esau 7 times,7 colors in a rainbow,7 seas,7 continents etc.. 6 is beneath 7. Man has turned away from God ,so, its not just 6, but 666.Gross imperfection.When God comes and destroys the wicked.Man will be on his way to being a 7 again.Like Adam was in the Garden of Eden.Complete..........


  1. 666 being the number for satan for he will return to this earth at the 6th seal 6th trump n 6th vial poured down to earth Rev 12:6-9 when satans cast to earth appearing in Jerusalem claiming hes Jesus. Its all written if you have eyes to see n ears to hear

    1. A clue to the meaning of 666 lies in its being “a man’s number,” or as The Amplified Bible puts it, “a human number.” This expression could not refer to an individual human, for Satan—not any man—has authority over the beast. (Luke 4:5, 6; 1 John 5:19; Revelation 13:2, 18) Rather, the beast’s having “a human number,” or mark, suggests that it is a human entity, not spirit or demon, and that it therefore manifests certain human traits. What might they be? The Bible answers, saying: “All [humans] have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” (Romans 3:23) The beast’s having “a human number,” therefore, indicates that governments reflect the fallen human condition, the mark of sin and imperfection.

      History bears this out. “Every civilization that has ever existed has ultimately collapsed,” said former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger. “History is a tale of efforts that failed, of aspirations that weren’t realized . . . So, as a historian, one has to live with a sense of the inevitability of tragedy.” Kissinger’s honest appraisal testifies to this fundamental Bible truth: “To earthling man his way does not belong. It does not belong to man who is walking even to direct his step.”—Jeremiah 10:23.

  2. Our Real Lord Jesus comes at the 7th Trump

  3. If you want Fathers Truth Visit ShepherdsChapel n give a listen to Fathers Word taught chapter by chapter verse by verse on their video page

    1. I've looked. The guy is another false prophet. He has no idea what he is talking about. His words may appeal to the ignorant, the bigoted, and the superstitious. They are always the easiest to deceive.

  4. It's a funny thing, but the Bible quite clearly says that Jesus was born King of the Jews, and that he died with this title over his head. Yes, although promised (Lk.1:31-35) this, he is yet to return to take his rightful inheritance. The parable in Lk.19:11-27 says it all. The very title, Christ, means 'anointed' and relates to him being the anointed son of David and heir to his throne.

    This Jesuit inspired idea (Ribera etc), that the anti-Christ is still future, and will be seen in a future false Messiah sitting in Jerusalem ruling over the Jews, has now been adopted by almost all the protestant and evangelical churches.

    This is the big lie, that will show all these organisations for what they really are, just 'daughters' of the harlot system. They have all her main teachings ...

    Rom.11:26-29 -> Do not be ignorant of this mystery....

    1. Go look at the summary in Wikipedia on Francisco Ribera. The information is freely available, but unfortunately widely unknown. It is embarrassingly obvious.

    2. 2Thess chapt 2:3,4 lets you know what will happen before the return of Jesus Christ that the son of perdition that man of sin will be revealed claiming to be God believe Gods Word or don't your choice.

    3. Yes, it certainly does. It speaks of the corruption of Christianity and it's replacement by a corruption, an apostasy. Paul also spoke of this in Acts.20:29-32

      This falling away from the Apostles teachings would eventually give birth to one, who would rise above all others, and be seen as the visible head of this system, claiming to represent God and Christ, as his vicar on earth. Vicar = substitute, or one in place of.

      It also says that this system would arise after the apostles were gone, when their restraining influence and that of the power Pagan Rome had been removed and diminished.

      That came to full birth in the 4th century, when the corrupted version of Christianity made a pact with the Emperors of Rome, and in typical fashion gave birth to one who satisfied both groups lust for power, in the person of Constantine. This duopoly has ruled the world since.

      The son of perdition is none other than the popes in Rome, each one the embodiment of all that the system stands for.

      The papacy and the papal system has ridden on the back of the European beast ever since, sometimes in total control, and at other times taken along with it.

      That beast will be destroyed, along with mystery Babylon = the papal harlot, when Christ comes as the true king.

      The full implications of this will be fully revealed when the Papacy declares the returned Jesus Christ, sitting now as King of the Jews and claiming to be Lord of all the earth, as a false Christ, an anti-Christ.

      They will make war against him. Just as the Jews rejected Jesus at his first coming, so 'christian's' will reject Jesus at his second coming. This is all spoken of in Rev.19. Even though they say Lord, Lord, they have never known him Matt.7:21-23. They are willing ignorant, swamped by a litany of deceit and lies.
