Saturday, February 22, 2014

Your Tax Dollars at Work

the IMF announced in December that there would be a 'national currency valuation reset' in the next 90 days following the announcement, which puts that reset in March. That reset would bring all currencies to within 3-5% valuation of each other, and that per each country's assets. We have only real estate assets left in the US, and those assets are offset by our national debt. The currency reset will cause a 30% drop dollar value, according to the IMF, and the loss of its world reserve currency status. With Rockefeller's prediction of accelerated collapse in March, it certainly looks ominous. I have also read that within weeks of this currency 'reset', the Federal government will announce the 'need' to confiscate 50% of federal pension funds, and w/in a short time after that a 30-50% confiscation of private 401k and IRA funds. Now is the time to get out of all these instruments, it seems to me, and get into gold and silver.
It sounds like they are creating a false flag bank run to create panic and civil unrest because we won't buy into false flag war and, or slavery. Don't do it. They have nothing left -- they've run out of deceptions. Maintain the moral high ground. Let them keep digging their own graves! They'll all end up in the for profit prisons they built to enslave us via bogus laws and trumped up charges, prisons built via they cheating and swindling the world -- sweet justice! "Ye sow, so shall ye reap." No matter what they throw at us, remain calm and do not panic!

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