Friday, February 21, 2014

Will AMERICA Become the Next KIEV?

Will the UNITED STATES Become the Next KIEV?
Alex covers the huge developments coming out of the Ukraine regarding the recent protest riots that have caused turmoil in the region. Of course we've seen the same global special interest groups funded by George Soros and others use the same strategy over and over: to fund violent protest groups in order to topple a not-so-cooperative government. The question is how long until these groups feel the time is right to use this strategy against the people of America.

The center of Kiev has been transformed into a battleground as rioters clash with police on Independence Square. RT has gathered the twelve most horrifying videos that show Kiev's descent into turmoil.

ntense street battles raged in the Ukrainian capital, Kiev, on Monday following protests over the weekend against newly enacted laws curtailing public assembly. The law bans and imposes strict penalties for the use of stages and tents in public spaces. It also outlaws helmets and balaclavas.

The fighting began on a side street near the Ukrainian Parliament, the Verkhovnaya Rada, near Independence Square on Sunday.

According to the Ukrainian Interior Ministry protesters donning helmets and balaclavas used Molotov cocktails, stun grenades, flares, stones and baseball bats in attacks on police. They targeted government buildings and police buses.

The Ministry said more than 100 police officers were injured and 60 hospitalized. Around 100 protesters were also hurt and forty-two hospitalized, the health care department in Kiev reported.

The protests began after President Viktor Yanukovich decided to reestablish relations with Russia. The protesters want the government to sign a European Union Association Agreement.

What is happening on the streets of Kiev right now is really a proxy war between the East and the West. On the one side you have the USSA and the EUSSR, which are quite determined to bring Ukraine under their sphere of influence. On the other side you have Russia (the former USSR), which is quite determined to keep Ukraine out of the EU and out of NATO.

In addition, Russia is extremely concerned about the strategic natural gas pipelines that go through Ukraine that transport gas from Russia to the rest of Europe. Ultimately, it is not in the interest of the people of Ukraine to be dominated by either side, but that is going to be what ends up happening. The Cold War is playing out on the streets of Kiev as you read this, and this conflict is going to greatly increase tensions between the East and the West. As these tensions continue to rise, someday this Cold War could actually end up sparking a real war between the superpowers.

Tragically, it is the people of Ukraine that are paying the price for this proxy war. During the recent unrest, at least 75 people have died, more than 500 people have been injured, and the streets of major Ukrainian cities are being turned into war zones.

You can see some amazing photos of the unrest in Ukraine right here, and you can find some startling before and after photos of Kiev right here and right here.

Violence has been committed by both sides. For those that think that these are just "peaceful protests", just consider the following... In Ukraine, US-backed rebels seize weapons from a military depot and begin firing on police — killing at least ten. The rebel groups occupy and torch government buildings, trade union headquarters, the central post office, and political party headquarters. They occupy local government facilities in other cities and physically attack local authorities. Their goal is to overthrow the elected government.

If there's one thing that should be clear, it's that nothing the government or their banking partners have done to solve the economic crisis has been for your benefit. They've enriched themselves, yet again, on the backs of the American people. All the while, they've told us that everything is getting better. But anyone who's paying attention know that nothing of the sort has happened. We continue to shed jobs. Hundreds of thousands of people are still losing their homes. Personal debt is rapidly approaching 2007 levels. The U.S. government has borrowed more money than what we can ever hope to repay.

We are still in the middle of it and it's only going to get worse. If you think it's over, that they saved us and we're out of the woods, then you've got a lot of pain coming your way. And if you think you still have plenty of time to prepare, that it's decades or years away, you'd better think again.
Trend forecaster Gerald Celente predicted the collapse of 2008 in remarkable fashion. And now he's warning of a similar crisis to come next year.

1 comment:

  1. Sure the US paying those reble go to Russian insider Alex has whole story on the site. US pays off whoever serves their desires...
