Wednesday, February 19, 2014

What Lies Beneath the Bodies of DEAD BANKER's?

Doug Hagmann on Exposing what lies beneath the bodies of dead bankers and what lies ahead for us.

All banking in the so-called "free" world is fraud. Every time the Fed created a billion dollars from thin air with book keeping entries to "lend" to the corporate federal government, the Fed's private owners instantly became a billion dollars richer on paper for nothing. Similarly, when your bank created your home mortgage, it was funded with book keeping entries alone. After the banksters raided their own banks to prove their insolvency, their corporate governments rewarded them with trillions of dollars for creating the financial virus that collapsed the global economy as their banks perpetually foreclosed on Our properties in which they had not invested a dime. With such a "legalized" scam, how could banks possibly go broke? The banks owe Us quadrillions of dollars. 

1 comment:

  1. They owe us back our houses with satisfied mortgages!
