Monday, February 24, 2014

Venezuela on Verge of Civil War ?

Venezuela's protest movement has continued to take to the streets in the last week despite a crackdown on opposition leaders by the government and attempts to impose an internet blackout. A retired army general named Angel Vivas has fought against his arrest, like a boss, by standing on his roof with an assault rifle and refusing to hand himself over to police. However, opposition leader Leopoldo Lopez has been incarcerated on charges of inciting violence, despite repeatedly calling for change by legal means only.

On the streets there has been sporadic violence with protesters hurling rocks and stones and police responding with tear gas, rubber bullets and in some cases, live rounds. Up to 12 people are currently believed to have been killed.

Meanwhile, President Nicolas Maduro has vowed to continue fighting against the demonstrators he has labelled as "fascists" and "coupongers".

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