Friday, February 21, 2014

UKRAINE RIOTS: A Warning for New American CIVIL WAR

Ukraine protests: Bloodshed on Europe's doorstep as EU tries and fails to stop killing
Record U.S. Gun Production
the fresh violence in Kiev culminated with an agreement to impose travel bans and assets freezes on those responsible for the bloodshed.
sanctions to try to stop the bloodshed
KIEV RIOTS - Fierce BATTLE ZONE in KIEV as New Wave of UNREST Grips Ukraine

Violent clashes have erupted during anti-government protests in Ukraines capital, Kiev, with at least nine people, including two policemen, dead.

In the worst violence in weeks, police used rubber bullets and stun grenades as thousands of protesters marching on parliament.

A deadline set by the security forces for the violence to end has passed with no immediate sign of police action.

The protests in Ukraine organized by USAID, National Endowment for Democracy (NED), Freedom House, George Soros Open Society Institute and a host of public-private NGOs have turned violent.

Intense street battles raged in the Ukrainian capital, Kiev, on Monday following protests over the weekend against newly enacted laws curtailing public assembly. The law bans and imposes strict penalties for the use of stages and tents in public spaces. It also outlaws helmets and balaclavas.

The fighting began on a side street near the Ukrainian Parliament, the Verkhovnaya Rada, near Independence Square on Sunday.

According to the Ukrainian Interior Ministry protesters donning helmets and balaclavas used Molotov cocktails, stun grenades, flares, stones and baseball bats in attacks on police. They targeted government buildings and police buses.

The Ministry said more than 100 police officers were injured and 60 hospitalized. Around 100 protesters were also hurt and forty-two hospitalized, the health care department in Kiev reported.

The protests began after President Viktor Yanukovich decided to reestablish relations with Russia. The protesters want the government to sign a European Union Association Agreement.

For more background information on the protests and the involvement of the CIA surrogate NED, the globalist George Soros and U.S. government organizations, see our breakdown here.

This is according to the subject article. Of course, nobody is going to admit that those who have been rioting for the past 2 months in Kiev are being paid to do so, but consider this.

People need to eat. People need clothing. People need medical care and other necessities of life. Most take measures to earn money to buy these things. Others have them given to them. There is no way thousands of people can live on the streets for months without someone paying for it.

Knowing these basic facts lends credence to the contention that U.S., European and other interests are funding this.

According to the subject article, not much longer. Russian troops have begun to arrive in the Ukraine, although a very small number. In searching Russia Today, I found no mention of arrival of 1400 Spetznaz troops, in Kiev.

Of course, it would not be in Russias interest to make a public announcement of their intervention in the Ukraine crisis. Just as there is no announcement of western aid to anarchists rioting in Ukraine. Its hard to keep track of all the silent interventions going on around the world, but know this. Any one of them could erupt at any time.

1 comment:

  1. Go to Rense .com posted there by Alex inside Russia the US is paying those rebles 2k n attack on the police spending 20 mil a week to the rebels think they care about bout us americans
