Saturday, February 22, 2014

Ukraine President Flees Kiev - More than 100 Dead in the streets - Lenin Statue Destroyed protest spreads around the country

Kiev Ukraine Protest 2014 Kiev, Ukraine Long-simmering tensions exploded anew in Ukraine on Tuesday as clashes between police and anti- government protesters.

UKRAINE EXPLODE!! | 100+ Dead; COUP; PRESIDENT Ousted; FLEE Palace; PAST PM Free . Ukraine's parliament has made several political appointments amid reports that the country's President has fled the capital Kiev. The heads of four Ukrainian security forces have said they will stay out of the conflict. Al Jazeera's Robin Forestier Walker reports from Kiev.

Ukraine’s president, Viktor F. Yanukovych fled Kiev a day after reaching a deal aimed at stemming the violence overrunning the city. Despite the efforts for peace, the accord was not enough to prevent opposition forces from taking control of the presidential palace outside of Kiev. Holly Williams reports. Ukraine’s president, Viktor F. Yanukovych fled Kiev a day after reaching a deal aimed at stemming the violence overrunning the city. Despite the efforts for peace, the accord was not enough to prevent opposition forces from taking control of the presidential palace outside of Kiev. Holly Williams reports. Ukraine’s president, Viktor F. Yanukovych fled Kiev a day after reaching a deal aimed at stemming the violence overrunning the city. Despite the efforts for peace, the accord was not enough to prevent opposition forces from taking control of the presidential palace outside of Kiev. Holly Williams reports.

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