Friday, February 21, 2014

The Ukraine Civil War -- A US Coup?

The Truth About the Ukraine - A US Coup? What is going on in the Ukraine? Just another hapless herd of tax cattle being paid, poked and punished by the USA and USSR in yet another round of superpower hell-chess brinksmanship.

 What is going on in the Ukraine? Just another hapless herd of tax cattle being paid, poked and punished by the USA and USSR in yet another round of superpower hell-chess brinksmanship. , in the so-called "coup" in 2004 (known as "Orange Revolution") US and West didn't "put in some guy who they now want to take out" (pro-russian Viktor Yanukovych). Just on the contrary, they supported his pro-european opponents e.g. Viktor Yushchenko or Yulia Tymoshenko. Please, at least get your facts straight if you're going to make such statements next time. Peace.

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