Thursday, February 20, 2014

The Ukraine Civil War could Ignite WW3

The Ukraine Conflict Ignites Tension Between The US And Russia 

French service sector is rapidly declining while the rest of the economy slips into a recession / depression. European confidence has hit rock bottom as the people realize that there is no recovery. Walmart 4Q profits shrink by 21% because of the government reduction in food stamps or is it because people don't have jobs? DHS is pursuing facial recognition meanwhile they decided to cancel the license plate scanner because of privacy issues. The Ukraine rioting continues even though there was a temporary truce. The central bankers/US government are pushing their agenda to push the Ukraine government out and to replace it with a puppet government and if they can get Russia involved to start WWIII.

1 comment:

  1. there is no civli war in the Ukraine, there are a few thousand disgruntled people being pushed into riots by Israeli's and Americans! Remember how the Bolshevik Jews Starved millions of Ukrainians during the second world war and after. Screw these Yids and Yanks! Cut off the oil and gas supplies to Europe now during this harsh winter and focus the unelected EU council of ministers minds when the Europeans them selves begin to Riot!
