Friday, February 7, 2014

The Truth About American Spring 2014

Hagmann & Hagmann - February 2014

The financial crash of 2008, the same crash which has been ongoing
for years, is NOT an accident. It is a concerted and engineered crisis
meant to position the U.S. for currency disintegration and the
institution of a global basket currency controlled by an unaccountable
supranational governing body like the International Monetary Fund
(IMF). The American populace is being conditioned through economic
fear to accept the institutionalization of global financial control
and the loss of sovereignty.
People need to realize first that the Fed does NOT care about the
continued health of our economy, and they may not care about
presenting a facade of health for much longer either.We need to come to grips with the reality that overt money
printing is not the only method at the disposal of globalists when
destroying the greenback. A debt default is just as likely to cause loss
of world reserve status and devaluation - no printing press
required. Blame goes to government and political gridlock while the
banks slither away in the midst of the chaos.
You think everything is great and the US Dollar will remain King? You need to ask yourself a couple of questions:
Is it just "coincidence" the taper was started right when the Baltic
Dry Index, a global indicator of shipping demand, has lost over 50% of
its value in the past few weeks?
Is it just "coincidence" that the taper is running tandem with dismal
retail sales growth reports from across the globe coming in from the
final quarter of 2013?
And, is it just a "coincidence" that the Fed taper is a accelerating
right as the next debt ceiling debate begins in March, and when reports
are being released by the Congressional Budget Office that over 2
million jobs may be lost due to Obamacare?
No. Most if not all of
these negative indicators needed months to generate, so they could not
have been caused by the taper itself. The only explanation beyond
"coincidence" is that the Federal Reserve WANTED to launch the taper
program and protect itself before these signals began to reach the
One final word: BOHICA !!!

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