Saturday, February 22, 2014

The Plan To Dominate Your Mind, Body, Soul And Planet, Ian WIshart & Vinny Eastwood 21 Feb 2014

We can stop this bs. In the Indian struggle for independence, Gandhi wisely observed that: "victory against the British was a mathematical certainty. 100,000 English cannot control 350 million Indians who choose to disobey." We The People number more than 315 million of which more than half are well prepared, patriotic, and ready, willing, and able to defend our country and our Constitution. Against us, at most, is a mere 545 mostly old, mostly out of shape, and mostly scared politicians. See "545 vs. 300,000,000 People - By Charlie Reese." You who are in the 545: We The People demand better. We own the Constitution and the Rights described therein. You cannot take from us what is ours. That is theft. Obama: history will judge you harshly as will We the People. Do the right thing and stop the madness.

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