Wednesday, February 19, 2014

The Debt time Bomb that is Britain

The way to avoid all this trouble as much as possible is to live within your means and don't borrow more than you can easily pay back. Pay off your mortgage as soon as you can. A house should be treated as a home not an asset - then you won't worry too much about value fluctuations. Don't invest in the stock market. It's a fool's promise and use building societies rather than banks. Try to look after each other.

What is logical is the debt here is not really debt at all, rather its monumental crime of theft & one big money laundering racket orchestrated by political betrayers & banks (all banks) who pretend to loan you a sum of principal & charge you interest for the privilege of being robbed.
An apocalyptic documentary regarding the sorry state of the British Economy and it's colossal debt mountain. Warning: Unpleasant content. If MoneyWeek are to be believed, Britain's love affair with borrowing has put us on a collision course with complete economic, social and political collapse. Osborne cannot save us now.

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