Sunday, February 23, 2014

The Banksters Are In Serious Trouble | Steve Quayle - "V" The Guerrilla Economist

Why are so many bankers being killed? What do they all have in common? Who is next on the list? Steve & V explain on The Hagmann & Hagmann Report.
House of Rothschild needs to follow there lead, there will come a time where they wish they had.

There will be an economic collapse. Not sure when, but this country can't continue to spend 80 billion dollars per month in Monopoly money and not face consequences. This false stock market bubble is going to make 1929 look like a picnic. People's entire savings/investments are going to be wiped out. We're about to succumb to an unprecedented upheaval worldwide; the depth and breadth of the deception and evil is surreal -- and the shackles of a global governance system slapped on all our wrists; all but a few at the top, anyway -- so what's a few, um, forced retirements for certain useful tool bankers to keep the lid on the horror for a little while longer? Nothing....less than nothing, really.

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