Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Supreme Court Justice Warns FEMA Camps Are Coming

Americans May Be Locked Up in FEMA Concentration Camps Admits Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia

The Founding Fathers knew government was like a 600 lb gorilla, which needed a very strong cage to keep it locked down, and limit it's strength. It's power was only to be used toward an aggressive attack from outside our republic, and only to act upon the will of the people's house of Congress. How far have we come away from that founding principle? The Socialists and Communists which run both major parties have been over feeding that caged gorilla, while at the same time stripping away a few more bars of it's cage. They are unleashing a beast, which when it is fully free of that cage, will be much harder to lock down again. A restoration of the Constitution is more needed now than in the times of the American Revolution, because the old enemy three thousand miles away in England is now inside our borders in government. If the American Spring march on DC, is the peaceful start of reclaiming the republic

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