Saturday, February 8, 2014

SOCHI 2014 FALSE FLAG - Soros & Corporate Group Predicts Terrorism.FALSE FLAG ATTACK

Winter Olympics SOCHI 2014- Soros & Corporate Group Predicts Terrorism.FALSE FLAG ATTACK

The International Crisis Group (IGC) is predicting a terrorist attack in Sochi during the Winter Olympics. The NGO has issued a report, "Too Far, Too Fast: Sochi, Tourism and Conflict in the Caucasus," analyzing the potential for violence at the games.

CIA mouthpiece Voice of America predicts terror at games.

"We hope that everything will be fine and safe, but the possibility of a terrorist attack remains," said Yekaterina Sokiryanskaya, head of the group's North Caucasus program.

Sokiryanskaya said Russian authorities believe a threat may come from the Muslim North Caucasus republic of Dagestan where an insurgency is currently underway against Russian control of the region.

The IGC, however, believes threats against the games may arise elsewhere in the region from Muslims more difficult to distinguish among non-Muslim natives. "Radicals can come from any region of Russia," Sokiryanskaya said.

Although Russian officials have introduced what is described as unprecedented security following a terrorist attack in the southern city of Volgograd in December, The Boston Globe reported on Tuesday security is lax in Sochi. Despite questions about Russian security, Thomas Bach, the president of the International Olympic Committee, said at a briefing that "we have confidence with the Russian authorities."

The IGC, a non-government organization that supported the so-called "humanitarian intervention" in Kosovo, was founded by members of the internationalist Carnegie Endowment for International Peace and the World Bank. It is funded by governments and corporate foundations. Its advisory board is dominated by Chevron, Shell and other transnational corporations.

George Soros, chairman of the Open Society Institute, sits on the IGC board of trustees. Soros has established foundations in Czechoslovakia, Poland, Yugoslavia, and Russia and is directly implicated in funding pro-EU activists in Ukraine.

President Barack Obama said in a new interview that he believes the coming Winter Olympics in Russia will be safe, but that Americans should still be careful if attending the games in Sochi.

Obama and the rest of the First Family are not attending.
A Russian whistleblower says he received chilling death threats after he accused public officials of siphoning money from Sochi construction projects.

Valery Morozov told ABC News he was a "marked man" ever since he went public with an insider's account of embezzlement. Morozov said that as a former construction executive he personally delivered "tens of millions of rubles" to public officials demanding a cut of the budget. Since then, he said death threats have trickled in, including one that read "you will be drowned in blood."

Citing a new "surprise package" for Russia and Olympic spectators, Islamist militants in the North Caucasus =Sunday launched a new threat to the Sochi Olympics with a purported "martyrdom" video by two suicide bombers who attacked a transit hub 400 miles away.
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problem reaction solution

The video posted on a Chechen extremist site considered a credible platform for militant statements featured two unidentified men before the black flag of jihad and cradling AKMS rifles.

The duo — dressed in street clothes and without the usual trappings of jihadis — casually explained that Russians and those attending the Winter Games next month will not be safe as long as forces sent by President Vladimir Putin occupy the North Caucasus region near Sochi, Russia.

The United States will deploy at least two warships into the Black Sea off the coast of Sochi, Russia, to respond to a potential terror attack during the upcoming Olympics, top officials said on Monday.

The positioning of the ships would also enable the rapid evacuation of Americans in the event of an attack, CNN reported. The State Department would take the lead if evacuations became necessary

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