Friday, February 7, 2014

Snow Burns, Won't Melt! -- Dane Wigington

Clip from February 03, 2014 - guest Dane Wigington on the Jeff

Ive seen some of these videos posted, and Im going to offer a scientific explanation. The ice cube has no voids. The ice cube is solid ice, so when you melt it, the water has to run off of it. It has nowhere to go but out/off. The snow has voids. Its is not solid. So when you melt it, the water is soaked up by those voids. This is how you are able make a snowball. Even when you compact it into a snowball, it still has voids. Snow is fluffy. You get about 10x the amount of snow as you would rain out of the exact same amount of moisture. So when you have a fist sized ball of snow, its actually far less water. Its about the size of a marble in reality. Im not saying that there arent chemtrails and all that stuff - just that that there may very well be an actual scientific explanation for this phenomenon. If you REALLY want to do this test in a scientific manner, you need to let the snow melt in a clean glass, then re-freeze it into an ice cube after its completely melted. This is called 'control' in a controlled experiment. It reduced variables and allows for accurate results as both specimens are in the same state.Also, the black is soot from the gas thats burning out of the lighter. It will also turn just about anything black when held on it - but that doesnt mean its burning. Its just soot from the gas.  It is also very likely that it is immediately going to its gaseous state, which is vapor, because of the extreme heat being out to it. Just like if you threw a cup of water onto am extremely hot furnace; it would immediately vaporize. It works this was in reverse as well - have you seen the videos where people throw boiling water up in -40 degree temps? Its immediately freezes into crystals.

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