Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Rule from the Shadows - The Psychology of Power

OUTSTANDING video, EMPOWERING information!! It's amazing isn't it, how the majority follows the control mechanism that will ultimately be their demise and ours. It reminds me of the farmer with his cattle. He teaches them where to eat, where to go for warmth and shelter and finally.... where to go to be slaughtered.

The solution is, stop following the herd. be obstinate, ask what's your interest for everything you do. egotism, smart people egostism, has more good effects than bad. example: idiots waste their time voting thinking it's in their interest. proof that it's the solution: every boss, dictator, slave driver will hate you out of the principle, and the principle is that he'll notice instinctively that he, the psychopath, can't manipulate you. I speak from experience. All this theory doesn't apply to me, like water falls off nanofabric

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