Friday, February 7, 2014

Riots Worldwide -- Ukraine Civil War Hundreds INJURED as RIOTERS clash with Police in Kiev

F. William Engdahl is an American German freelance journalist, historian and economic researcher. "Seeds of Destruction: The Hidden Agenda of Genetic Manipulation"

Ukraine has Black sea ports, they can control pipelines to their benefit, and they are Russia, and China's Bread basket. I'm Confident If Ukraine where to establish a sovereign non totalitarian neutral government, they would be able to export to Russia/China un-hindered. Ukraine could then use this to acquire or develop technology to sustain or enhance them. China and Russia actively buy food/grain from Ukraine, use this profit to buy tech from other countries, without corruption and open pipeline taps, Ukraine could at-least give it a shot. It would be the EU's loss if they wouldn't trade with the Ukraine, unless Ukraine signed a agreement that bind's EU to Ukraine. Regardless I hope Putin and EU technocrats submit to the will of a Independent Ukraine and are willing to trade with it freely, otherwise they are just foreign bullies/usurpers.

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