Friday, February 14, 2014

Peter Schiff: We Are in a Depression

Peter Schiff: "I think we're in a depression"; Roberts, Admati and Whalen talk banking

Our lead story: Comcast is gobbling up its main competitor Time Warner Cable. The $45-billion-dollar deal gives Comcast the potential to completely reinvent the media landscape. By wiping out its major rival, Comcast would have 33 million cable subscribers, and just as many broadband users, giving it huge leeway in setting market prices, negotiating licensing fees, and deciding what shows you can watch. Erin Ade reports.

Afterwards, Peter Schiff is back on at Boom Bust. It's no secret that investor and financial commentator Peter Schiff thinks the US Dollar is going to fall off a cliff and that he also thinks interest rates are going to skyrocket. But what does he make of the latest US economic figures? And what is his view on the outlook for the economy and investing? Schiff explains to Boom Bust's Erin Ade.

Then, we give you a few of the best clips from this past week's interviews, all of which concern banks. First is Paul Craig Roberts on bank bailouts, administered via quantitative easing. Then, Anat Admati gives a fresh take on the health of banks. And Chris Whalen finishes on how executives at large US banks have avoided accountability for the financial crisis.

Wrapping up with "In the Margins", Erin Ade and Edward Harrison look at viewer feedback, answering questions from you, our viewers. We thank you for your comments and questions.

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