Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Perception Deception With David Icke

Alex is joined live from the UK by David Icke about the emerging trend of Transhumanism. The globalists are selling robotic and mechanical implants to the general public as a good thing. But as Icke points out during this interview, these technologies can and will be used to limit human liberty and provide a tiny elite with unforeseen power and control.

Osama wasn't "killed" at all. He may or may not have died before the bogus "Zero Dark Fiction", but if he is dead, it wasn't at the hands of our troops. Osama bin Laden was never targeted, they just told us that on the news. Bush and bin Laden were friends and coconspirators, and Bush made sure our troops never got near bin Laden, and they never did. You're doing right by being suspicious of the government, but about 90% of the mystery is already solved. But you won't see it on the news or any mainstream outlet. You have to search for the truth on the internet.

1 comment:

  1. Folks the Biggest Deception is yet to come reason theres so much confusion everywhere Wars, Weather,Money,Food, Politics Society in general being led this way than that way just setting the stage so to speakfor the Biggest Deception that is to come uppond this earth. Most not knowing that there was a earth age before this one same ole earth as science will tell you this earth is milions of years old. And as its written in our Fathers Letter to us satan convinced 1/3 of Gods Children to follow him n overthrow God the Father that Created them n Everything that is for that matter. As a earthly father would not kill or hurt his children that go astray God being our Heavenly Father Shook this earth n killed that first earth age. Father being So Fair having His children to be born thru woman making up their own mind w/ free will who they will follow God or satan. We are closing in on the last days of this 2nd earth age when satan as it reads in Rev.12:6-9 will be cast out of Heaven to this earth. As it reads in 2Thess 2:3,4 that satan the son of perdition be revealed tho he will be claiming hes Jesus ....won't that be a Deception as most have never been taught Fathers Word chapter by chapter verse by verse.Visit ShepherdsChapel video page Pastor Murray teaching the Book of Revelations. Might supprise you.
