Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Paul McGuire explains how America is being sold to China

Paul McGuire explains how America is being sold to China Hagmann & Hagmann - February 2014
The petro-dollar illusion is what kept america weak and eventually will fail. Everyone thinks since we are the reserve currency we can borrow and borrow, import and import our own brand merchandise, we can welcome illegals by the truckload, etc. Most countries HAVE TO EARN a strong currency by ballancing imports with exports.

What needs to happen to these knuckle-dragging Neanderthal Elite Ruling Class sh*t hogs is they need to spend some time as a home- less person. They are spoiled pulp rotten by their inherited lavish lifestyles to where they've become Marie Antoinettes. They think any average working human who isn't in their 1% Pismire Club is so much garbage to be thrown away. Truth is THEY are the zits on the backside of society. Parasitical DO-NOTHINGS who live off the hard work of REAL PEOPLE.

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