Sunday, February 2, 2014

Paul McGuire -- 2014 America The Coming Crisis

Countdown To Armageddon: Are we living in the final chapter of the world as we know it? Paul Mcguire

Paul McGuire is host of the syndicated McGuire Report. Paul McGuire hosted the nationally syndicated "Paul McGuire Show" for 10 years which broadcast from Los Angeles M-F from 3-6PM. Paul McGuire is a frequent guest on the Fox News Network and CNN. He is the author of 16 books including The Day The Dollar Died, which deals with the planned destruction of the dollar in order to bring in a world currency. Best-selling author of 23 books, a frequent commentator on Fox News, CNN and the subject of 2-history channel specials on "Countdown to the Apocalypse" and "Seven Signs of the Apocalypse," Paul McGuire reaches one million people per month with his message of the Convergence and Acceleration. Paul McGuire is nationally syndicated radio talk show host and a feature film producer who has produced two science fiction films in Hollywood. Paul's work has been praised from people like film director Oliver Stone to Prime Ministers and Presidents. Paul is an internationally recognized expert on Bible prophecy and is a Professor of Eschatology at the Kings College. Paul grew up as an atheist in New York City, demonstrated and "hung out" with the radical activist Abbie Hoffman, Timothy Leary and Ken Kesey at age 15 years old in Manhattan. Paul majored in the brand new field of "Altered States of Consciousness" and film production at the University of Missouri. Paul McGuire was deeply involved in Eastern mysticism, psychedelic drugs, saw the great white light and experienced cosmic consciousness. Then in what can only be described as a "field of dreams experience" hitchhiking on the back roads of Missouri , Paul had an miraculous encounter with Jesus Christ. Paul McGuire is an international expert in the fields of Bible prophecy, global economics, consciousness, technology and secret occult societies, the Nephilim and other esoteric fields. Paul McGuire's research is followed by leading military generals, scientists, theologians, economists and people in the intelligence field.

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