Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Oliver Stone: Obama is SPINELESS PANTYWASTE!

Filmmaker Oliver Stone has some harsh words for Barack Obama. The director of JFK and Natural Born killers described the President as "spineless" and called him a "jellyfish." In addition, Stone called the chief executive a "pantywaist."

The film artist stated Obama broke all the promises he made during the 2008 and 2012 elections.

Stone said, "Something happened because none of the things he promised... transparency, a government that would reconsider the war on terror and these programs... none of that happened, none of it. The man stunned us with a lack of spine. He is a weak man." The remarks were made at a meeting of the International Students for Liberty, held in Washington DC.

Also at the convention was journalist Jeremy Scahill. The pair stated that the President completely abandoned promises regarding war and civil liberties. Stone and the reporter named talk show host Bill Maher and NBC as cheerleaders, encouraging warlike behavior. Both men named targeted assassinations, use of military force and secret operations as unacceptable. Schools teach the "Disney version of history, according to the pair.

Stone headlined the event. This was the first time he addressed a large group filled with young libertarians. The left-leaning filmmaker talked about how progressives and libertarians share many of the same political goals.

Oliver Stone is not the first liberal celebrity to make a break from Obama. Policies of the President, including widespread domestic spying, are causing a fury among those on the left. Celebrities such as Matt Damon, Barbara Streisand, and Gene Simmons of Kiss have abandoned their support for the President.
Playboy founder Hugh Hefner spoke out against Obama's foreign policy, saying "We go in with the best possible intentions, but we make enemies."

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