Monday, February 17, 2014

Off The Grid Solutions

Realize those in power have tricked some of us into devolving back to an agrarian society. Understand this type of living is necessary BUT we have to also realize that we must not give up on forward growth and technology. Don't go off the grid....TAKE THE GRID paid for the grid with your tax dollars! I agree with you but we need to use the high technology to nurture and propagate the natural. Don't go hide in the woods that’s what they want us to do. The resources and infrastructure of this country belongs to the body politic.....the humans that populate this land. Why do we pay for coal power when we own the coal of this nation?

In this video Luke Rudkowski visits the Eastern Light project in Rockland County, New York and documents a community of people who are trying to make difference in their local area. The goal of the Eastern Light project is to inspire people to engage in a more sustainable and connected way of life. They are currently fighting a battle with the local county and Wal Mart over the land.

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