Friday, February 14, 2014


The Government has turned America into a Military Police State full of Goon Squads that don't give one big damn about your God given Constitutional Rights. America has become a N A Z I's Wet Dream. Americans are already living under a thin veil of Marshal law right now.

Just recently, National Geographic aired a show called "American Blackout," an eye-opening, yet fictional presentation of how Americans might react during a nationwide blackout. A prolonged power outage could spell horrific consequences, resorting to looting and violence, according to the 1-hour show.

Even though "American Blackout" is purely fictional, some might say a cynical portrayal of how Americans would respond to a prolonged nationwide blackout, but it's exactly how people will react. There are many examples, but only one springs to mind; the Carnival Cruise Line incident. Passengers were acting like savages, defecating anywhere possible because the sewage system was backed up, people fighting over food and water, this is just a microcosm of what will happen when the U.S. power grid falls to its knees.

Homeland Security and other governmental organizations have been quietly warning the public of such a threat, and have been secretly preparing themselves for civil unrest, could it be from a pending nationwide blackout from cyber-terrorist attack? Regardless, Homeland Security and other entities are stockpiling millions or rounds of ammunition and food, this alone should be a warning signal to the public to have an emergency plan in place.
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The newspaper reported "thousands of utility workers, business executives, National Guard officers, F.B.I. antiterrorism experts and officials from government agencies in the United States, Canada and Mexico are preparing for an emergency drill in November that will simulate physical attacks and cyberattacks that could take down large sections of the power grid."

GridEx II was "being planned as conferences, studies and even works of fiction are raising near-apocalyptic visions of catastrophes involving the grid," the Times notes.

In 2012, former CIA boss R. James Woolsey and others began pressuring legislatures in the states to force private sector utility companies to protect electrical infrastructure against the catastrophic effect of an EMP, or electromagnetic pulse.

Writing for the Atlantic Council, a prominent think tank based in Washington DC, Harlan K. Ullman warns that an "extraordinary crisis" is needed to preserve the "new world order," which is under threat of being derailed by non-state actors like Edward Snowden.

In an article entitled War on Terror Is not the Only Threat, Ullman asserts that, "tectonic changes are reshaping the international geostrategic system," arguing that it's not military superpowers like China but "non-state actors" like Edward Snowden, Bradley Manning and anonymous hackers who pose the biggest threat to the "365 year-old Westphalian system" because they are encouraging individuals to become self-empowered, eviscerating state control.

"Very few have taken note and fewer have acted on this realization," notes Ullman, lamenting that "information revolution and instantaneous global communications" are thwarting the "new world order" announced by U.S. President George H.W. Bush more than two decades ago.
"Without an extraordinary crisis, little is likely to be done to reverse or limit the damage imposed by failed or failing governance," writes Ullman, implying that only another 9/11-style cataclysm will enable the state to re-assert its dominance while "containing, reducing and eliminating the dangers posed by newly empowered non-state actors."

The earth barely missed taking a massive solar punch in the teeth two weeks ago, an "electromagnetic pulse" so big that it could have knocked out power, cars and iPhones throughout the United States.
"The world escaped an EMP catastrophe," said Henry Cooper, who lead strategic arms negotiations with the Soviet Union under President Reagan, and who now heads High Frontier, a group pushing for missile defense. sochi 2014 winter olympics false flag attack

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