Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Nostradamus Prophecies for 2014 - 2020. Antichrist and Alien Invasion.

Nostradamus Prophecies for years 2014 to 2020. Including the rise of the Antichrist President Putin of Russia, and alien UFO invasion of earth and modification of human DNA for immortality.
Nostradamus prophecies for 2014 and after. Interpreted by Astrology and Bible prophecies. The third Antichrist is revealed as Russian President Putin.
Predictions of future world events by the French prophet Nostradamus, interpreted by astrology charts and the Book of Revelation.


  1. I have to say this ridiculous nonsense takes the biscuit. Putin an orthodox christian is the anti Christ good grief Charlie Brown! How can there possibly be such a thing when there never was a Christ in the first place!

  2. Understand anti taken from the greek means instead of Christ not against. Thats why theres so much confusion in finance n wars n rumors of wars going on setting the stage for satan when hes cast from Heaven Rev 12:6-9 n appearing in Jerusalem claiming to be Jesus n most will wonder n worship the dragon Rev 13:3 when he heals the Deadly Wound of that one world government(the beast)..its all written tho most churches only teach traditions of man..I have said many times to visit ShepherdsChapel n give a listen to Pastor Murray teach Fathers Word chapter by chapter verse by verse especially thbis weeks lectures teaching the Book of Revelations..

  3. Americans on a path to destroy the white race? why, this cold war scenario is precisely directed to destroy white races of northern Europe why? we wonder what is going on in america who rules america and why this hate against whites.......!! Russians are white folks remember they are not from Africa... they are closer to the north pole than to the equator.. (is it the Israeli lobby that hopes to destroy the white race???, As it is the lobby that controls america, most folks say and believe ?? )
