Monday, February 10, 2014

MOSSAD did 9/11 BBC Mideast Correspondent Alan Hart says

Former Senior BBC Mideast Correspondent Alan Hart says on air that Israeli Mossad did 9/11 and much more in his revealing interview with Kevin Barrett which can be heard here- Alan explains the take over of America by zionists and exposes the failed false flag attack of the USS Liberty by Israel using Napalm. Muslim extremists were blamed for 911 without a trial or even an investigation. No one screams racism about that. Yet anyone who suggests that Israel was responsible is called anti-semitic and pronounced guilty of a hate crime

The Washington Times September 10, 2001- Of the MOSSAD, the Israeli intelligence service, the SAMS officers say: "Wildcard. Ruthless and cunning. Has capability to target U.S. forces and make it look like a Palestinian/Arab act."-

Please watch the film 9/11 Missing Links-

Now you will discover the definitive truth about 9/11 and learn why even the most popular movies on the subject have failed to address the evidence exhaustively presented in this video. The facts will make it abundantly clear that the so-called 9/11 Truth movement has been infiltrated and is ultimately controlled by the same criminal group who masterminded the attacks. As they say, if you want to control the dissent you lead the dissent. Utilizing evidence from the FBI, CIA, NSA, US Armed Forces Intelligence sectors, Foreign Intelligence organizations, local law enforcement agencies and independent investigators, Missing Links goes where no other 9/11 video has dared to.

Israel did 9/11, ALL THE PROOF IN THE WORLD!!-

The Information Underground-

Israeli gas pipelines- Israel is in the midst of its plan to use the United States military, which it controls, to conquer Iraq and divert Iraqi oil to the Haifa refinery via the Mosul to Haifa pipeline.

Thankyou to reamonnk's channel-

Full interview here-

Dr. Alan Sabrosky, former director of studies at the US Army War College says that the military brass now know that Israel and those traitors within our nation committed the 911 attack



  1. Their not Zionists they are Kenites(hebrew word for offspring children of Cain) who mixed into the House of Judah as Jesus states in Rev.2:9 n 3:9 of the only 2 out of 7 churches at the time that He approved of Smyrna n Phildelphia for its what they taught "those who call themselves Jews but do lie as they are the synagog of satan" no big mystery if your taught Fathers Word chapter by chapter verse by verse as Pastor Murray teaches @ShepherdsChaple every day or so a new chapter as this week hes teaching the Book of Revelations go to the video n give a listen you'll understand better than what this world is up against.

  2. Just like hitler did blame the Jews for everything then its easier to get people to go along with the extermination. We have been here before 1933-1945 but as the bible says the world will be against Israel and God himself will fight for them

  3. to me is a war between a war, Jesus side against rabbi side, out of this two came out, protestants, and orthodox, and this fight brought down the Roman empire, this Jesus Jewish concept or perhaps engrave of circumstance, is what represents the collapse of the western world, the end of the Jewish-Christian era, for the Jews as well for the Christians. the Muslim religion fits perfectly as it is centre of the division, for the Jews is a question of power, while for the Christians is a question of perception. Jesus is being around for 2000 years, there were pyramids and druids way before that. however technology plays a role, as it is neutral, therefore the confusion has no sides per say, all are confuse if you like.

  4. this Jewish Christian alliance of confusion. will not work, it cannot work, Christians better shape up, as Otherwise; (Nordic gods, they are not Semites, remember).. will do it for you...!!!! and Jews, and the king of Israel!! beware as this wheel of blame Jesus, we are friends, we fight and we converge is no longer tolerated. moreover; the lot is also ending..
