Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Max Keiser on Bitcoin / Mt. Gox Collapse

Max Keiser on crypto-currencies & Dean Baker on aggregate demand

Erin welcomes The Keiser Report's Max Keiser talks about Bitcoin, Mt. Gox, and a second generation crypto-currency alternative, his very own Maxcoin! Although Mt. Gox is facing trouble, Keiser doesn't believe that Bitcoin is going to lose its long term value, and he further explains why he thinks crypto-currencies have more intrinsic value than fiat currency. Watch to see what he thinks of the US dollar, the British pound, and the effect crypto-currencies have on the banking world.

After the break, Erin sits down with macroeconomics expert and co-founder of the Center for Economic and Policy Research Dean Baker on his thoughts on why growth in the US has slowed down. Erin asks Baker's views on US wage growth, consumption expenditures, and how to get back to full employment. He discusses inadequate aggregate demand and secular stagnation and gives some possibilities on how to get out of it.

For the Big Deal today, Erin talks to Edward Harrison about the housing market. January numbers show a five and a half year high, but on the other hand, mortgage applications fell to its lowest level in nearly 2 decades. What's going on? Ed explains the role of investors had in the housing market recovery and discusses how the housing market of Las Vegas is a harbinger of what's to come.

1 comment:

  1. Silly Bitcoin argument.
    In my mind currency is only worthwhile if I can buy food, energy and pay bills.
    Until people accept Bitcoin for everyday merchandise it is Vaporware.
    I am waiting for major retailers to accept Bitcoin and then it may be a real currency.

    I think the issue is comparing money with a currency. These 2 terms are different.
