Saturday, February 1, 2014

Martial Law 2014 -- THE END OF AMERICA 2014-2016: "IT'S WORSE THAN YOU KNOW"

MARTIAL LAW drills across the country, liberties being stripped away daily, the increasing biometric presence, police brutality

Communist Occupational Provincial Government is what we are ruled by. They operate as any occupying force has through the ages. Heavy taxes, intrusive laws, KGB tactics, late night raids, random police stops, constant surveillance. This isn't big brother, this is what the Communist immigrants planned when they first immigrated here after the Soviet revolution. That one too was slated as a freedom movement. Norman Mattoon Thomas, a six time candidate for the U.S. Presidency under the "Communist Workers Party of America" said that he no longer had to seek high office because the Democrat Party had adopted their platform, & that the American people would never knowingly or willingly accept Communism they would do so under the guise of "Freedom & Democracy". He said that in 1943. "Redistribute the wealth" a favorite of Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and the rest of the Nancy boys, coined by Vladimir Lenin. "From each their own abilities, to each their own needs blah, blah, blah" Hillary Clinton & Karl Marx a.k.a. Moses Mordachai Levi. "I’m tired of hearing about that G’Damned piece of paper" George W. Bush on three separate occasion in reference to the United States Constitution which they are all by oath of office sworn to uphold and protect against all enemies both foreign and domestic. Because Communism is a globalist institution. Communism is slavery. The Roth Family Bankers own & operate the Federal Reserve. They also owned & operated the Dutch West Indies Corp that rounded up the blacks in Africa & sold them as slaves around the world. The Demonrat Party was the party of the old South & slavery. The elder Bush signed into effect the "Noahide Laws" wherein it is illegal for anyone but a rabi to have a bible or preach scripture. They are doing to us what the Weimar Republic did to Germany after WWI, & the NAZI's new what to do with them. There is no little fix, or reasoning with them. They want our death & the death of our once great nation is upon us first. They must be dealt with for what they are.

1 comment:

  1. The Mexican immigration reform is the beginning of Agenda 21 combining the USA, Mexico and Canada into a Region
