Monday, February 17, 2014

Market Crash, Global Economic Shocks Coming in 2014, World War 3 - Gerald Celente

Trend Journal Publisher Gerald Celente appeared on The Adam Thompson Radio Show

We The People used to stand for something no other nations had--FREEDOM. Brave men and women fought for us and in some cases died for that FREEDOM. Eisenhower upon leaving office WARNED us about this in the 50's. The only thing left to do is to STAND TOGETHER as a people of all races, religions, ages, cultures, sexual orientation and so on in a non-violent non-cooperation to this FOURTH REICH fascist government that while we were asleep are taking our very lives from us and that of our families--those who do not remember the past are destined to repeat it. We do not seem to care about our neighbor anymore. It is time for action before they do this as our FREEDOM is stolen from us. GOD BLESS ALL!

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