Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Market Collapse immenant as 8th Banker dies

8th Banker dies as market collapse draws closer by Masterofmanythings

HONG KONG (INTELLIHUB) — All month we have been reporting on the suspicious string of apparent suicides that have hit the financial industry. Multiple bankers have been found dead in recent weeks, all of them have been ruled suicides despite the fact that little information has been released in some of the cases. Those who had high profile deaths, like the man who jumped from the top of the JP Morgan HQ building in Europe are highly publicized, but overall, very few details about any of these deaths have been made public. Now this week, another investment banker has jumped from a different JP Morgan HQ, on a different continent, this time in Hong Kong, China. The fact that many of these deaths seem to be tied to JP Morgan is arousing further suspicion that there is more to this story than meets the eye.

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