Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Mark Passio -- Dark Occult Forces & Natural Law

Mark Passio is behind the website,, which encapsulates many years of his extensive research and investigation into the nature of our shared reality. Through his presentation, videos and podcasts, he takes one on a journey of self-exploration, examining human consciousness and the way it relates to the universal problems which we currently face as a species. In this first hour, we'll discuss dark occult organizations as Mark was a former priest in the church of Satan. Mark talks about how these organizations are filtration centers in search of psychopaths for specific positions of power. These well-connected dark organizations rely on control, which is essential to shape a specific world view. He relates this to our current collective mass mind state. Then, he speaks about the mechanics of natural law, which all humankind is bound by and the effects of violating the natural law.

1 comment:

  1. The mechanics of a law on timeless events.
    The mind and the body.
    Once that bond understood, the mechanism of the process of time can be inquire, and possibly understood. Time on our realm is a process, not a liner process but rather back and forth process between itself. For instance Jesus and the Jews, his crucifixion, Jesus death was the process forward; however for the Jews and the kingdom of Israel became its destruction. Jesus did not plan to be killed on a cross, neither the Jews planned to wonder for the next 2000 years. The original aim of each of the two players of this event was proper for the time and what they hoped to achieve, Jesus did die, and the ruling Jewish rabbis did exist as kings. Later in time there is a reverse situation the 2000 years of Jewish wondering is the equivalent of the popularity of Jesus. In other words is thanks to the Jews 2000 wondering years that the Cristian church exist now. So we got one action now 2000 years ago, the killing of Jesus for a benefit, of the rabbis who held their power. That same action in time reverse itself but keep the same elements, Jesus and the Jews, 2000 years later. This two contradicting elements are probably the reason why a messiah is expected to return. however it is the event the one that needs to be understood, not the relation between a messiah or any external Intervention; the time relativity, the time that on this context is no longer linear neither it has a geometrical form, but rather, shape things and at the same time it keeps the original elements, it amalgamates, humans we can theorize are a fusion of the universe if you like. As it is the Jesus & Jews; realm and the religion that became after Jesus death. In other words, Jesus & Jews adventure is what you call quantum. The same as the difference between black and white, neither can exist without the other, however both exist at once; for our current level of perception and reasoning. However in fact it is a quantum query that this dilemma reveals to the individual, a question that each individual mind must answer in order to evolve to his quantic state, while at the same time it is a universal question for the whole of the individuals, for the same purpose, evolve to a quantum state. An individual mind is the "self" while the universal is the collective mind which are quanta to the mind self. The ranking is the forest, the forest are trees, the diagram is the forest the forest is the diagram.
