Saturday, February 22, 2014

KING Obama speaks so listen up slaves " Wherever I Can Act On My Own I WILL ! "

In this week's address, President Obama says this is a year of action, and he will do everything he can to restore opportunity for all. The President already lifted the wages for federal contract workers, and he calls on the American people to tell Congress to finish the job by boosting the federal minimum wage for all workers to $10.10 and give America a raise.

KING Obama the DICK-TATOR speaks so listen up slaves " Wherever I Can Act On My Own I WILL ! " ...And Obama's war on the middle/lower class continues. Anyone ignorant enough to believe that a higher minimum wage actually helps lower income people is probably someone who voted for Obama in the first place.Obama speaks : oh buy the way our police have also shot and killed at least 20000 innocent people plus we are this minute putting more homeless people in our work camps called fema so don't worrie everything will be ok ! 

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