Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Jesse Ventura : The War On Terror Is Staged & The War On Drugs Has Failed

Jesse Ventura: Why The War On Drugs Has Failed & The War On Terror Is Staged

Alex discusses with Gov.Jesse Ventura why the war are drugs has failed just like prohabition did.It has only created a bigger underworld and dangerous black market.

A recent article in the UK Independent headlined US Waives White Flag in Disastrous War on Drugs illustrates the tacit announcement by some leading US policy makers that they are abandoning the failed 40 year long War on Drugs. This couldn't come too soon for a war that has cost thousands of lives, hundreds of billions of tax dollars and has helped push the domestic US prison population to an estimated 2,000,000 inmates.

Certainly banks like BCCI played their role in facilitating numerous dirty money deals including its involvement in the IRAN-CONTRA Affair. Banks, as well as oil companies, benefit significantly from drug trafficking. According to a recent report in the London Observer, drugs money worth billions of dollars provided liquidity for Wall Street and the City of London's leading banks and kept the financial system afloat at the height of the global meltdown. Another Senate staff report estimates "that $500 billion to $1 trillion in criminal proceeds are laundered through banks worldwide each year, with about half of that amount moved through United States banks." The London Independent reported in 2004 that drug trafficking constitutes "the third biggest global commodity in cash terms after oil and the arms trade."
Beginning: The Opium Wars Between Britain and China
Opium, which was not prohibited in the US, UK and Ireland, was smuggled by merchants from British India into China in defiance of Chinese prohibition laws. The First Opium War between Britain and China began in 1839. Further disputes over the treatment of British merchants in Chinese ports resulted in the Second Opium War. China was defeated in both wars leaving its government having to tolerate the opium trade in which cheap narcotics plagued Chinese society. Britain forced the Chinese government into signing the a number of Unequal Treaties as well as the annexation of Hong Kong by Britain. Chinese found these agreements humiliating and these sentiments contributed to the Taiping Rebellion (1850--1864), the Boxer Rebellion (1899--1901), and the downfall of the Qing Dynasty in 1912, putting an end to dynastic China and laying the ground of domestic discontent and power vacuum which culminated in the Communist revolution later that century
The War on Nothing
Whether it's the War on Drugs, the War on Crime, or the War on Terror, by now experience should teach us that our government can neither wage, nor win "wars" against abstract nouns. Formally and mutually "declaring war" must first recognise sovereignty, which generally assures formally Declared Peace, a Cease Fire, an Armistice etc or a Surrender with Cessation of Hostilities for a mutually agreed and declared "Victory". There can be no victory in such political pursuits, only ultimate defeat.
Yet, we are told that, "winning isn't everything, it's the only thing," and "there is no other option," even if it means losing everything else from morality and integrity, to wealth and freedom (as in the case of the War on Terror). We were told that we needed rendition and torture to keep America safe from terrorists. The results, or lack thereof, certainly speak for themselves. Insiders at the CIA may even tell you, off the record, that involvement in illegal drugs trafficking as essential to fund operations which our elected officials will not sanction. But don't be fooled- black market cash is the real grease that fuels the shadow government and the wheels of power and control worldwide
Whether it's under Nixon, Carter, Reagan, Bush Sr, Clinton, Bush Jr, or Obama, the policies have remained the same and the damage to our bottom line has been mountainous. It's time to ditch the policies we have come to tolerate for decades before they consume what is left of our moral core.

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