Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Was The Power Grid Sniper Attack An Inside Job

INSIDE JOB... or not... Or even inside job to be made to look like an inside job... End result.. Tax dollars hard at work to get to you to pay for the concrete/steel encasing..

they wanted to scare the big companies in San Jose, apple is there yahoo is there and a lot of other powerful corporations. I drive to San Jose every week and pass by that same electricity plant its right off the highway its crazy how they could have gotten away so fast  there's really only one way out back into the freeway and from there mix right into the traffic. there was a bomb scare at a bank of America in San Jose a year or two ago were the FBI set up some Muslim extremist and gave him all supplies and told him to drive up to the bank and detonate it. after he hit the button and nothing happened he was rushed by the fbi and made it look like it was a real threat when on the local news they stated that the FBI had set up everything and just lured the guy in to do the dirty work. I think the Boston bombing was set up like this but that time they actually went along with it and had the attack happen and then quickly point the finger and silence them so they wont start talking.

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