Friday, February 21, 2014

How To Survive Armageddon -- Peter Kling Interview 20 Feb 2014

How To Survive Armageddon -- Peter Kling Interview 20 Feb 2014

Considered as the Einstein of Biblical prophecy: Peter Kling combined his scientific and religious knowledge together, to uncover the "mystery" that religion has tried to keep hidden for over 2000 years!In this interview: EMP's. Nibiru, God, Nephilim, Armageddon, Food Shortages, The Photon Belt, DNA, Obama, The Pope, Bluebeam, HAARP and a LOT more! Peter Kling explores the timeline from 2013-2017 as a key transition for humanity and the Earth as set out in a 3.5-year period commencing March 21, 2013 (3-21-13). The Old and New Testaments are, according to Mr. Kling, Exopolitical documents containing a history of extraterrestrial and interdimensional relations with humanity and Earth. Decoding these texts, Mr. Kling identifies a first phase of 2014-15 that represents the rollout of the New World Order (a global dictatorship), with trigger dates starting on 4-14-14 and coinciding with four full lunar eclipses and two solar eclipses all of Hebrew holidays, an unprecedented celestial configuration (See Figure A). At around 2016, Armageddon comes as a culmination of this 3.5-year period and is actually, according to Mr. Kling's Exopolitical perspective, a liberation of Earth by advanced ethical Extraterrestrials from the New World Order and oppressive bloodline monarchies and bankers. To add to transformation, earth changes may accompany this transition around 2016 in the form of a Nibiru-like event, with a brown dwarf twin star to our Sun transiting the inner solar system. 2017: A positive timeline Mr. Kling's analysis shows that by 2017 humanity, with transformed consciousness and DNA, is on a positive timeline.

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