Monday, February 24, 2014

Harley Schlanger : The Hair-Trigger For Thermonuclear War -- Harley Schlanger & Helga-Zepp LaRouche

Harley Schlanger & Helga Zepp-LaRouche join us for this special report on the Western-backed attempt at a coup under the guise of "revolution", now underway in Ukraine. NATO and the US government is actively trying to close the noose around Putin and Russia using NGO's and George Soros paid protestors. What's at stake? NATO's desire to surround Russia with its "anti-ballistic missile defense" system which Putin knows will give FIRST STRIKE capability to the U.S. -- From Russia's point of view, war has already begun, and the Ukaraine is fast becoming what LaRouche calls a 'hair-trigger for thermonuclear war'.

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