Wednesday, February 19, 2014

GOLD Outperforming the Stock Market in 2014 so far


Imagine a world in which you can buy anything in secret. No banks. No fees. No worries inflation will make today's money worth less tomorrow.

The digital currency Bitcoin promises all these things. And while it's far from achieving any of them — its value is unstable and it's rarely used — some have high hopes.

"There will be alternatives to the dollar, and this might be one of them," said former U.S. congressman Ron Paul. If people start using bitcoins en masse, "it'll go down in history as the destroyer of the dollar," Paul added.

GOLD Outperforming the Stock Market in 2014 so far What have we done: after a series of reports in late 2012 in which we showed, with no ambiguity, that not only might the Bundesbank's offshore held gold be severely "diluted" (follow our 2012 exposes on German gold here, here, here, and here), but that on at least one occassion, the Fed and the Bank of England conspired against the Buba in returning subpar quality gold, the Bundesbank shocked everyone in early January 2013 when it announced it would repatriate 300 tons of gold helt in New York and all of its 374 tons of gold held in Paris.
As many have said, if you don't actually hold gold, you don't own it.

As many have said, if you don't actually hold gold, you don't own it.

But convincing the Bundebsbank to demand delivery was peanuts compared to changing the tune of the Financial Times -- that bastion of fiat "money", and where the word gold is mocked and ridiculed, and those who see the daily improprieties in the gold market as nothing but "conspiracy theorists" -- to say the magic words: "Learn from Buba and demand delivery for true price of gold", adding that "one day the ties that bind this pixelated gold may break, with potentially catastrophic results."

In other words, precisely what we have been saying since the beginning.

Welcome to the 'conspiracy theorist' club, boys.

The subject video covers an undercovered story on the missing German gold. Back in the 1950′s Germany, along with several other nations sent their gold to the U.S. Federal Reserve. Several months ago, Germany asked that some of their gold be returned. The Fed refused. Germany then asked to inspect the gold. Again the Fed refused.
So what would you think? I would think they don't have it. I would suspect they stole it. Of course those in Germany and other nations aren't stupid. If there are any shenanigans going on, some in positions of power in those nations have to be in on it. Now, with at least 20 years of manipulation in the gold and silver markets, the chickens are coming home to roost. You can't do this forever and you can't keep it a secret forever.

There have been many stories on major banks selling gold and silver they don't have. That's what keeps the market depressed. Sooner or later ( and I think it's sooner ), even the conspiring nations will expose this to deflect blame from themselves. This is, still another, nail in the "dollar coffin". It is the hubris of those multinational bankers that will do them in. In the meantime, I'd be buying gold and silver.

Due to western central bank price manipulation, the mining sector is in critical condition, the supply line is all but halted, and the physical supply is being swallowed up by Asia. The last shoe to drop is for major mining companies to start closing down production at major mines. Though this would be perceived as the end for gold, speculators will be happy to know that this would be the beginning of the biggest Fed induced bubble in history! But unlike previous Fed bubbles where they support the price increase, the gold bubble will be a result of western central planners mis-managing the gold price for the past 3 decades and finally losing control. As Peak Resources explains in the brief clip, the perfect storm is coming for gold...

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