Saturday, February 1, 2014



If there's one thing that should be clear, it's that nothing the government or their banking partners have done to solve the economic crisis has been for your benefit. They've enriched themselves, yet again, on the backs of the American people.

All the while, they've told us that everything is getting better. But anyone who's paying attention know that nothing of the sort has happened.

We continue to shed jobs. Hundreds of thousands of people are still losing their homes. Personal debt is rapidly approaching 2007 levels. The U.S. government has borrowed more money than what we can ever hope to repay.

Trend forecaster Gerald Celente predicted the collapse of 2008 in remarkable fashion. And now he's warning of a similar crisis to come next year. [They're going to] turn more of America into Slavelandia as well, where people can get those part-time jobs, have no insurance, no benefits, and not enough money to live on, and they'll have to go on food stamps and other assistance... I'm saying to everybody out there, If you don't have your money in your pocket it's not yours. Any self-respecting adult that hears McConnel, Reid, Boehner, Ryan, one after another, and buys this baloney... they deserve what they get. We are saying that by the second quarter of 2014, we expect the bottom to fall out... or something to divert our attention as it falls out. It's the militarization of the United States... because of the grand scheme. And that is, these people may be stupid -- the people running government -- but they're very shrewd. And they know... that there's no way to solve these economic problems. The mayhem that went on at Walmart when people couldn't cash in their food stamps. Look what they did in Boston. To me that was a test. They closed down a hundred square miles... to hunt for a 19-year old kid. Look at America's most feared criminal of this last year. A 19-year old kids, Snowden, and Bradley Manning. Now there's three faces of disaster you never want to meet in a dark alley.

Watch Gerald Celente and Alex Jones discuss the coming trends and our future:
We survived that one, barely, but it took trillions of dollars just to stabilize, not fix, the system.

This time around, our creditors and the people as a whole may well lose confidence. And once that is lost, look out, because as Gerald Celente notes, the happenings at Walmart when the EBT system crashed were just a prelude.

Imagine that next time around it happens to not just EBT cards, but ATM's and bank accounts, or that the U.S. dollar itself crashes to such an extent that it is no longer feasible as a mechanism of exchange.

In such a scenario you can fully expect disruptions to food supplies and the normal flow of commerce.
The only saving grace you'll have are the physical assets in your possession -- your arable land, long-term food stores, gold and silver, and the post-collapse labor skills you've developed. perience the horrific effects to come.

he stock market may be soaring to unprecedented heights, but things just continue to get even tougher for the middle class.

The economy has been debilitated by the offshoring of middle class jobs for the benefit of corporate profits and by the Federal Reserve's policy of Quantitative Easing in order to support a few oversized banks that the government protects from market discipline. Not only does QE distort bond and stock markets, it threatens the value of the dollar and has resulted in manipulation of the gold price.

When US corporations send jobs offshore, the GDP, consumer income, tax base, and careers associated with the jobs go abroad with the jobs. Corporations gain the additional profits at large costs to the economy in terms of less employment, less economic growth, reduced state, local and federal tax revenues, wider deficits, and impairments of social services.

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