Saturday, February 22, 2014

Gerald Celente: Ukraine Protests The Hidden U.S Agenda

Senators John McCain and Chris Murphy are working with other members of Congress to get the United States more deeply involved in the internal affairs of Ukraine.

The move follows an escalation of violence in the country. Reports Thursday indicate 100 people have died and 500 were injured as gunfire erupted in Kiev's Independence Square where anti-government demonstrations have taken place since November. CNN crews reported the gunfire erupted after protesters threw rocks and Molotov cocktails at security forces.

McCain and Murphy announced "targeted sanctions" aimed at the Ukrainian government. The Obama administration on Wednesday said it is blocking around 20 Ukrainian officials from entering the United States. It says they are linked to the government's response to violence in Kiev.

The duo said they are busy working on legislation including "targeted sanctions on government officials and other persons who have committed, ordered, or materially supported acts of violence against peaceful citizens in Ukraine, or who are complicit in the rollback of Ukraine's democracy." They reportedly "remain in contact with the Administration and look forward to working together on this legislation." The State Department has announced it will work with the European Union on more extensive sanctions against Ukrainian government officials if the violence worsens.

In December McCain met with Oleh Tyahnybok, the leader of the Ukrainian nationalist Svoboda party.

In Ukraine, US-backed rebels seize weapons from a military depot and begin firing on police — killing at least ten. The rebel groups occupy and torch government buildings, trade union headquarters, the central post office, and political party headquarters. They occupy local government facilities in other cities and physically attack local authorities. Their goal is to overthrow the elected government.

Reports of rebel reinforcements arriving, with "bulky backpacks near the scene of the latest protests," are suspiciously reminiscent of the "Internet in a Suitcase" project funded by the US government to provide tools for "activists" in regime-change candidate countries. The US has similarly trained and equipped the Syrian rebels.

US-backed rebels are photographed all over Ukraine with weapons, sometimes photographed shooting at police. In Syria, the US covertly provided the weapons and approved Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and other "friends of Syria" to provide even more. A Russian official has accused the US of arming the Ukrainian opposition.

Washington is engaged in a dangerous act of regime change that could spark a new cold war.

If there's one thing that should be clear, it's that nothing the government or their banking partners have done to solve the economic crisis has been for your benefit. They've enriched themselves, yet again, on the backs of the American people.

But anyone who's paying attention know that nothing of the sort has happened.

We continue to shed jobs. Hundreds of thousands of people are still losing their homes. Personal debt is rapidly approaching 2007 levels. The U.S. government has borrowed more money than what we can ever hope to repay. We are still in the middle of it and it's only going to get worse.

Trend forecaster Gerald Celente predicted the collapse of 2008 in remarkable fashion. And now he's warning of a similar crisis to come next year.

The response of the neoconservative, Victoria Nuland, appointed Assistant Secretary of State by the duplicitous Obama, was "fuck the EU," as she proceeded to describe the members of the Ukraine government that Washington tended to impose on a people so unaware as to believe that they are achieving independence by rushing into Washington's arms. I once thought that no population could be as unaware as the US population. But I was wrong. Western Ukrainians are more unaware than Americans.

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