Sunday, February 2, 2014

Gerald Celente - Trends In The News -- America's Spiritual Death

"Some children that are juveniles are facing lifelong terms, the mini-vacations "public servants" have with our tax dollars & President Obama's translation of our Fourth Amendment Rights. If only Barack Obama understood what Martin Luther King Jr. said many years ago.

All Acts of Parliament are ‘statutes’ known variously as legislation, regulations or rules. They are not laws. Statutes are often incorrectly referred to as laws by ‘trained’ barristers and solicitors, but the correct interpretation would be ‘black letter law’ (meaning statutes) which are distinguishable from ‘law’ i.e. common law - and for a purpose, the purpose being that statutes and laws are different. If Acts of Parliament were laws they would be called ‘Laws of Parliament.’ Parliament knows the distinction which it quite rightly maintains. Look at any Act of Parliament and you will notice the absence of the word law – that will give you the first clue that there is a difference. Parliament maintains the distinction between statutes and laws because those ‘in the know’ use this knowledge for their personal benefit.

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