Monday, February 10, 2014

Gerald Celente Interview at Outside The Box with Jason Liosatos

My talk with Gerald Celente, a great visionary and trends forecaster. We talk about the acceleration of awareness and consciousness as our old system built on greed and fear crumbles around us, with revolutions, and endemic uprisings spreading globally. Gerald talks about ethics, morals, and reminds is that when the people lose everything they lose it, and warns us that the human spirit must rise to a much higher level if we are to stand a chance of transcending our current predicament.
We talk about the kleptomaniac, sociopathic and psychopathic behaviour of those in charge of our crashing economies and broken societies. We talk about Ukraine, as the Western Hyenas and Vultures destabilize and encircle it, and Gerald explains about the general picture in the region, and globally, helping us all understand where we are, and how serious our situation is, as the prerequisite for us to understand how to escape it and create something better.

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