Saturday, February 22, 2014

Gerald Celente: The Death Of American Spirit

Americans are too drunk off Hollywood entertainment and sports to care

The Yankee spirit was basically a group of individuals from disparate European countries who, not having any prestige or barony from their native land—not being “respected” people from their already-corrupted European systems (the things George Berkeley pointed-out when he came here)—were willing to band together and fight an oppressive force trying to exploit them.

These were basically god-fearing people and peace-loving people. They were not war-mongers. In contrast, many of the indigenous tribes of America on the east coast were war-mongering. You get out west and it’s the reverse—then you run into the Hopi who never made war on their neighbors in their history.

But here on the east coast you had groups within the Iroquois that would rent themselves out as mercenaries to the British and the French against the Americans—they were war-mongering and ungodly cruel.

And the Yankees—or American Revolutionaries—were not religious nutcases. They were religious—Christian—but they were not pacifists like the Amish, nutcases waiting for the Christ to return any moment and save them from all armed conflict. Rather, they were both spiritual and sane—practical and conscionable.

Now, is this taught in American public elementary schools?

Of course not.

What is taught is a sort of “pseudo communism”. I say “pseudo communism”, as once you get up to your last 2 years of high school, should you take any “honors history” or “economics”, that’s when you’re going to run into the apologias for your Federal Reserve owners—the people who actually own your whole system of trade, governance and culture—this, regardless of whatever you want to call it.

You’re taught to blindly love and trust the persons who have the ability to tax you to pay for their wars, dictate your nation’s foreign policy to it—and soon, dictate its domestic policy. Has nothing to do with democratic suffrage—not by the “Communist Party” or any other electable group. It’s all dictation from persons who were never elected.

Because the Federal Reserve dynasties are primarily Jewish, you’re taught to treat secular Jews as America’s sacred cows—this, without learning a damn thing about what’s actually going on in Israel right now, or what the secular Jews there do to Israel’s Orthodox Jews. Ergo, the only religion allowed to have any legitimacy in current America is secular Judaism—but you’re not allowed to know anything about it.

This is the indoctrination. I went through it.

Now, I don’t really like focusing on what’s going on in the popular culture. Reason being, I could very easily turn myself into a sort of “jazz snob”, and I don’t really think that’s going to help anyone. Rather, I think what’s needed is for people to simply understand they can fight what’s going on—they don’t have to be like an Amish, hoping and praying Jesus returns and saves them from any sort of battle.

Instead, you can be like the Yankees—stand up and fight. Anyone who can hold a gun—anyone who can hold a hardwood stick—get out there and do something. And if you do it all by refusing to listen to any simple-as-hell rock music in the key of E minor, hey, great for you. But I really couldn’t care less about your cultural partiality (seems the Yankees composed their songs out of “snare drum and fife”—pretty limited repertoire).

Stand up and fight. Be like the Seven Samurai. Find out the weaknesses of the bandits, then exploit them. Teach those who don’t know how to fight.

Or, let me put it this way: you’re not here to war with people over their personal tastes. You’re here to fight for the freedom to be a cultural snob, should that be your “aesthetic disposition”. But in the eyes of our handlers, our owners, we’re all peasants. Goes for the guy whose ear is so acute he can whistle/hum every nuance in Gershwin’s “American in Paris” ballet, as well as the guy who listens to “Rage Against the Machine” 24/7. And I would have said the same thing to disparate Europeans if I were mustering a revolutionary American army in 1776 (this, provided I could speak any foreign languages--right now, I still can't).

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