Thursday, February 6, 2014

Food Stamp Nation -- Hunger is Back in Britain

David Modell investigates the growing importance of charity foodbanks to thousands of hungry people across the UK by following the stories of three users of a foodbank in Coventry.

The social service system is badly designed and outdated, it was designed when women relied on a husband and people thought that the single women with kids went astray; no provision has been made for today's life which is a different reality or for single women in need, they always claim to provide help to families, and pushes women to have kids they can't afford. None of them thought that people loose jobs and become destitute. While people think that people on welfare are lazy the truth is, when those folks try to better themselves the system punishes them for wanting to better themselves, by forcing them to become poorer.This is the first documentary I've seen that actually touches upon people who are single and in need of benefits---they're not eligible for any in the U.S., and apparently not in the UK either. Ridiculous to be punished for not having kids. It's screwed up.I am just fed up with this lack of compassion-the world's biggest welfare queen is the Queen.I'm sick of the poor beating up on the poor.There's no policy of full employment-it existed briefly only when Germany was threatening to invade.

1 comment:

  1. These poor folks need to migrate over here like to chicago plenty of folks here in the grocery store with their cart full to the top can't speak any english but who cares their Link card speaks for them.
