Wednesday, February 19, 2014


The economy is going to look like it is doing great putting a lot of people to sleep, then the bubble bursts and all hell breaks loose...When the crash happens do not go to the FEMA camps they will offer you to live at and eat at. They will not let you leave once you enter into those camps.

America has had the seat of prosperity for a long time now, and it is changing much faster than we think. Because of this, most Americans not only refuse to see what is coming, but have not known hard times and think it'll never happen to them thanks to the LIES of teaching the rapture escapism from bad times theology of the mainstream religious organizations. When the economy hits rock bottom and falls overnight like it did in 29, it will be much worse than it was back then.... those who's heads are not in the sand do realize that. When things get bad, there'll be two kinds of people, those who refuse to deny their integrity and treat others respectfully despite the financial opposition, and those who will turn to the dark side for the sake of themselves and take it out on society. Theses two types of people will come from all walks of life, religious or not. The so-called righteous people who claim God, at that time will raise their ugly heads and they'll reveal themselves for who they really are, many will be taken unaware. Martial law will take effect at that time, but stop and think about this for a moment, where will finances come from for Martial law if America's dollar has collapse?.... obviously from another monetary source, which will already be in place ahead of time, otherwise those who've planned this will be caught unaware and I doubt very seriously if that happens.
As bad as this is, its gonna get a lot WORSE! - but the WORST thing that could happen to anybody is to MISS God's paradise kingdom and end up in HELL. Jesus warned us MOST PEOPLE go to this horrible place after death (Mt 7:13)! The Bible lists the sins that lead to hell (Gal 5:19-21, Rev 21:8, Eph 5: 3-5, 1 Cor: 9-11, etc...). NO such thing as 'ONCE SAVED ALWAYS SAVED'. Lying demons are using RAVENOUS WOLVES on pulpits to spread this HORRENDOUS lie, making their victims twice the sons of hell (Mt 23:15). Jesus said only he who ENDURES TO THE END of his life will be saved (Mt 24:13). Jesus gave people warnings to sin NO more (Jn 5:14). Avoid HELL at all costs, even to the point of losing body parts to avoid it! (Mat 5:29-30)

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