Saturday, February 1, 2014

False Flag 2014 -- SUPER BOWL XLVIII - The POLICE STATE in Full Force as SUPER BOWL 48 Looms


The skies above and around MetLife Stadium will be in a no-fly zone on Super Bowl Sunday.

The first level of defense will be provided by Black Hawk helicopters with U.S. Customs and Border Protection. The unarmed helos will serve as the eyes in the sky.

And if a hostile aircraft enters restricted air space near MetLife stadium, New Jersey Air National Guard F-16s based in Atlantic City will be scrambled.

Colonel Brad Everman of the 177th Fighter Wing said his pilots have been training for months and are prepared to secure the skies above the big game.

Along with excited and eager fans, SWAT teams and Snipers will be attending Super Bowl XLVIII. The reason for such high precautions is because the Super Bowl is a level one national security event.

Former FBI agent Jonathan Gilliam explains how snipers work in coordination with SWAT teams to give the fans and players ultimate safety.

"If you have an active shooter or you have anyone who may have a bomb. Snipers have a better angle then anyone who is on the ground to actually hit that target. It's an entire team that communicates. You have individuals who are at high altitudes inside the arena and then you have individuals that are on the ground moving in and around the crowd," he explained.

With the mass distraction spectacle that is Super Bowl XLVIII just around the corner, the TSA is busy ensuring every excited game patron is thoroughly prepared to surrender their civil rights and submit blindly to authority.
On its official blog site, the TSA announced it will be conducting security, not only at the entrance to the MetLife Stadium complex in East Rutherford, New Jersey, but at "local transportation venues, including commercial and general aviation facilities and mass transit" in the form of VIPR squads.

"Super Bowl fans may encounter TSA Visible Intermodal Prevention and Response (VIPR) teams" a recent post on the TSA blog brazenly reveals.

With the game already designated a level one security event by the Department of Homeland Security, it's no surprise to see the tired "See Something, Say Something," citizen snitch campaign also being recycled.

As we've extensively documented, the Super Bowl presents the establishment the perfect opportunity to flex its police state muscle and condition the public into accepting subservience as a normal part of life. Relying on the largely contrived threat of terrorism, the Super Bowl provides an unsuspecting cover for curtailing civil liberties and circumscribing the freedoms enshrined in the Constitution.

However, an ever-thriving chorus of Americans are growing fed up with the NFL's blatant police state practices and thinly-veiled attacks aimed at the Constitution. 18,000 Super Bowl tickets remain unsold.
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Super Bowl XLVIII is a level one national security event declared by the Department of Homeland Security allowing Homeland Security Presidential Directive 5 to kick in. The directive means the federal government considers the game to be a possible terrorist target and provides authority for the feds to act as the lead in all security operations in New Jersey and adjacent New York.

In New Jersey this week, U.S. Customs and Border Protection agents are working around the clock to x-ray every vehicle authorized to enter the MetLife Stadium complex in East Rutherford. Not only are terrorists on the radar, but so are smugglers and drugs. The DHS is using its HCV mobile unit to monitor vehicle cargo.

In addition to unprecedented security at the stadium, a sprawling police state apparatus will extend to airports and mass transit. The "security experience," according to rail officials, for football fans will begin the moment they arrive at the airport with bag screening, K-9 VIPR teams, and Fourth Amendment busting random searches on trains going to and from the game.

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