Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Economic Collapse 2014 -- Hyperinflation vs. Deflation

How Will Society COLLAPSE? Hyperinflation or Deflation?

"The inflation was caused by the government issuing a flood of new money, causing prices to rise. Then, as the inflation gained momentum, events seemed to demand the printing of larger and larger issues of currency..."
The Great Depression.
1. Increase in lawlessness
2. Loss of economic discipline
3. Rising bureaucracy
4. Decline in education
5. Weakening of cultural foundations
6. Loss of respect for traditions
7. Increase in materialism
8. Rise in immorality
9. Decay of religious belief
10. Devaluing of human life

1 comment:

  1. If you truly want to understand what will be taking place in the days ahead visit ShepherdsChapel n give a listen to Pastor Arnold Murray as he teaches the book of Revelations chapter by chapter verse by verse, important that you understand your Fathers Revealing.
