Monday, February 3, 2014

Economic Collapse 2014 -- Bankers STEAL From Greece, Gain Billions!

 Greece is getting a third round of bailouts! I predicted this in my book word for word. The scheme must continue because it is robbery.

The only thing criminals know how to do is to steal from hard working people. A bailout is theft.

Germany preparing third financial rescue for Greece
Finance minister says Greece can avoid third bailout
"A second round of bailouts for Greece is needed. Despite the billions given during the first round, it just wasn't enough. It will continue." - PG 68
Rush on Northern Rock continues

WW3 is raging all around us. It's an economic war. The bankers are waging war against the sovereign nations and peoples of the world..... the impending financial collapse in the United States... it's coming it's not a matter of if but when.... be ready be prepared and don't panic.... panic... whatever you do do not go with FEMA

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