Thursday, February 20, 2014

Dr. Doug Rokke -- The Alex Jones Show(Commercial Free VIDEO) Thursday February 20 2014

On the Thursday, February 20 transmission of the Alex Jones Show, Alex explores the geopolitical strategy, implications and consequences behind efforts to depose Ukraine's leader. Jones runs down the host of indicators suggesting the turmoil in Ukraine to be a staged "color revolution," not unlike the kind seen in Libya, and not a grassroots uprising as the world is being led to believe. On today's show, Alex talks with depleted uranium expert Doug Rokke, who served as a member of the 3rd U.S. Army Medical Command's Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical special operations team, about radiation leaks both in Japan and in the US. Major Rokke has been subjected to ongoing retaliation from Department of Defense officials for reporting the adverse health and environmental effects of uranium weapons. We'll also cover other breaking news and take your calls.

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