Friday, February 14, 2014

Beware Of The "American Spring"

There are only individual solutions to collectivist problems.

The Powerful Elite love the fact Obama don't mind screwing things up. Keeps us focused on him rather the bigger picture like the debt everyone in the US owes to pay off this 17+ trillion dollar debt. At some point hyper inflation will kick in. Their is no way in hell to avoid it. Obama is a tool to accelerate our collapse. Obama Care is another tool that will be used to control us like the Patriot Act and other. We will be down to a single payer system as the insurance companies will begin to fail like GM. Then our wonderful government will step in to save the day. Much like the FEDs did when the stock market crashed in the Great Depression. They saved the day right? Want to know who runs this country. "BANKERS" They control congress and our president. They are the lobbyists. What happens when the FEDs stop pumping 85 billion into banks every month? Hyper Inflation!!!!!!!!!!!

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